Friday, 13 June 2014

Sunday in St Remy de Provence

Sunday 8th June 2014

Blog post by the mother

Unfortunately my cunning plan of having the children write the blog posts has not come to fruition.  At present the girls are out in the pool, father and eldest son are reading and youngest son is working on a very complex fantasy story that he is writing. I guess I am also writing a fantasy story but in this case I am actually getting to live out my fantasy of having a villa in Provence (even if it is only for a week).
This morning we headed into the village of St Remy to get a feel for our local and see what amenities there are.  The village is certainly much better equipped with shops and restaurants than I had thought and we had a great time mooching around exploring the 'La Brocante' which is the flea market held on a Sunday in the Place de la Republique. Below is la famille relaxing in the town square in front of the town hall listening to a bit of local music.

Pretty paved streets full of shops selling local products of olive oil and lavender.
Back to the maison with our baguettes for lunch and then les enfants spent the rest of the day in and out of the pool.

Grande Maman and I are wondering if perhaps we might be able to move here?  Income earning ideas so far include running a Concierge service looking after villas or guided tours of Provence which would of course include visits to markets, cooking classes and a handsome young mini bus driver who likes crazy Kiwi ladies...

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