Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Downtown Disney

Monday 5th May 2014

After a sleep in until 9am this morning we went to try out the much anticipated waffle station in the hotel breakfast room.  Suffice to say that it didn't quite live up to the kids expectations but that didn't stop them from tucking in anyway!

After breakfast we had a homework session. (This is true and not just to impress any teachers who might be reading the blog!).  We thought we'd better get some work done today as the next three days will be full on  visiting Disneyland.

Homework completed we headed off to visit the wonders of Downtown Disney where one can purchase virtually every type of Mickey Mouse ears you can imagine.  Mr 11 was particularly amused by the Darth Vader Mickey Mouse ears but restrained himself from actually purchasing any.

The 'World of Disney' store just about sent Miss 9 into a complete spin.  Despite having been warned about the effects of Disney Mania she couldn't resist making her first couple of purchases.  The children all have their own spending money for the trip - either earned or generously gifted - so they are all doing lots of maths working out their budgets and exchange rates. Mr 11 also found a cute Ewok t-shirt that he couldn't resist and he is adamant that he will never find the likes of again.

A life sized Lego friend.

The Lego store was a big hit.  The kids built and raced their own cars.

After an overload of Disney merchandise we headed back to the hotel for a swim and then out for dinner at a build your own pizza restaurant. The children are now all crashed out in preparation for our first full day at Disneyland tomorrow.


  1. Wow! Room 9 have just read your blog as a class and we are all very jealous and excited for you. Hi Caitlin, Room 9 think you should spend all of your money buying us a souvenir! We will continue to read your blog and hear about your fantastic trip.
    From Mrs Suggate and Room 9 :-)

    1. Hi Room 9. Thanks for the comment. I miss you but I'm having a really fun time. :-)

  2. Fabulous to see you all on the other side of the world! Wish we could be at the happiest place on earth. Go the D land!
